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BlogEvents GivingEveryTuesday
Caracas, Venezuela

Omar Delgado

Omar studies Psychopedagogy with a specialty in intellectual disability and emotional problems. He is the founder of Fundación Hábiles (February 9, 2015) whose objective is to promote the development of the disabled and / or vulnerable person; through the creation of spaces that promote inclusion. Currently, he is providing support to vulnerable communities facilitating access to Mental Health and Rehabilitation services, linking the use of professional skills with generosity towards those who need it most.

“Generosity human capacity to understand the need and turn it into an opportunity to serve.”

- Omar Delgado, Caracas, Venezuela

Fundación Hábiles

Fundación Hábiles is aimed at facilitating access to Mental Health and Physical Rehabilitation services for Vulnerable people; in the first phase to those people who live in various sectors of the Pastora-Caracas. We focus on the philosophy that uses the individual’s professional skills to generate an impact in the community.