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Building a Culture of Generosity at Work: More Than Just a Good Deed

17 Oct 2024 by GivingTuesday

By Nitin Mantri, GivingTuesday Advisory Group Member

Nitin Mantri (pictured above), is the Group CEO of Avian WE, a leading integrated communications consultancy based in India, and the Regional Executive Managing Director for APAC at WE Communications, one of the world’s largest independent communications agencies. Avian WE plays a key role within the Indian market as part of WE Communications.


Early in my career, I was leading a major project that hit a critical roadblock, threatening both its success and my confidence. Just when I was about to lose hope, a senior colleague stepped in—not only offering advice but rolling up her sleeves and working alongside me well into the night. Her commitment and selflessness not only helped me overcome the obstacle but also taught me a valuable lesson about leadership and kindness. Over the years, I have made it a point to extend the same level of support and generosity to my colleagues, knowing firsthand how transformative acts of empathy and collaboration can be.

Why Is Generosity Important?

Generosity is the heartbeat of a thriving workplace. It builds trust, respect, and collaboration among team members. When employees feel valued and supported, they become more engaged, motivated, and productive. A study by the University of California found that people who find meaning in their lives experience better physical and mental health. Generosity plays a crucial role in discovering this sense of meaning, benefiting both those who give and those who receive.

Kindness Pays Dividends

Workplace generosity extends beyond monetary rewards. Raises and bonuses alone may not motivate employees if they lack meaningful connections and a sense of purpose. Taking the time to listen, offer support, and show appreciation can have a greater and more lasting impact than financial rewards, fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and motivated to excel.

To embed generosity into the workplace culture, we need to focus on a few key areas:

  • Leadership Sets the Tone

Leadership is where workplace generosity starts. When leaders model generous behavior, it sets a powerful example for the entire organization. They can demonstrate this by being approachable, actively listening, and providing mentorship. Simple acts of kindness, support, and recognition create a positive environment where collaboration thrives.

  • The Gift of Time

Time is the most valuable gift a leader can offer. Even with demanding schedules, leaders must make time to mentor, share insights, and support their colleagues. A leader who doesn’t invest time in their team cannot truly be effective. At my organization, Avian WE, we live this philosophy in several ways. One of my favorites is “Coffee with Leadership,” where we connect with employees, especially new hires, over a monthly coffee meeting. These informal sessions cover a wide range of topics, from personal interests to professional experiences, and serve as excellent icebreakers.

  • Share Knowledge, Spark Growth

Sharing knowledge is key to fostering generosity and driving organizational growth. Leaders must cultivate an environment where information flows freely, encouraging collaboration. Success is born from the collective growth of ideas, not from working in silos. Employees thrive when they continuously enhance their skills, guided by leaders’ extensive knowledge and experience. Companies can promote knowledge sharing through regular sessions led by senior leaders, mentorship programs, internal digital libraries, and cross-departmental workshops. Equipping teams with the latest tools and technologies keeps the workforce remains innovative and ahead of the curve.

  • Spotlight Causes, Empower Employees

Supporting causes that make the world better extends generosity beyond the workplace and empowers employees to contribute. For companies unsure where to start, GivingTuesday provides a simple yet powerful solution. As an advisory group member, I’ve seen this movement inspire people to give their time and effort to diverse causes like climate change, animal welfare, literacy, and more. Encouraging employees to participate not only amplifies our impact but also fosters a deeper sense of community and purpose.

At Avian WE, we believe in leading by example. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the heart of our culture. We uphold a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination and proudly support LGBTQIA+ leadership within our ranks. Our Global DEI Council drives initiatives like unconscious bias training and promotes best practices, such as including pronoun usage in email signatures. This commitment inspired our Social Impact team to author and publish two volumes of Consciously Speaking, a book focused on inclusive language related to gender, sex, and sexuality.


The Ripple Effects of Generosity

Generosity is more than just a nice-to-have trait; it’s a strategic game-changer. It enhances collaboration, quells conflicts, and boosts employee satisfaction and retention. In generous work cultures, employees are driven to innovate and excel, and companies naturally attract top talent seeking a supportive environment. And it is so achievable—all you need to do is give from the heart.

As Teddy Roosevelt wisely said, “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.” This December 3 on GivingTuesday 2024, embody this sentiment by joining companies worldwide in fostering acts of kindness within your organization. This global movement unites charities, businesses, families, and communities in a powerful celebration of generosity. I encourage you to find your own unique way to contribute. The ripple effects of your kindness will not only enrich your organization but also elevate your own professional journey. 

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