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São Paulo, Brazil

Elpís Ziouva

Elpis graduated with a postgraduate specialization in Strategic Design and Innovation, she is a partner at Umbigo do Mundo and works in the areas of planning and projects, and also one of the co-founders of Dia de Doar Kids. Passionate about life and simplicity, she always seeks to contribute, in all projects, with methodologies to simplify complex processes–so that those involved can dedicate themselves to their ideas and ideals, to their powerful stories and projects–having contributed significantly over the course of her career with various hospitals, educational projects, third sector organizations and movements such as Dia de Doar.

Dia de Doar Kids 2020 Schools Award

  • Project Type: Building giving habits
  • Issue Area: Children and Youth
  • Visit Website

The Dia de Doar Kids 2020 Schools Award aims to recognize and reward generous and supportive mobilization campaigns involving schools across the country thereby generating integration between teachers, students and their families, and the community where the schools are located; culminating on the Dia de Doar, December 1, 2020.

There are three categories for the campaigns: The Most Creative, The Most Engaging, and The Most Transformative.

Considering all the changes due to COVID-19 pandemic, registration of initiatives that took place from March 2020 will be accepted, in themes such as: money collection, food security, school supplies, clothing, and blanket donations, among other durable and non-durable goods, for institutions or associations in the surrounding community; crowdfunding (virtual kitties) for social or school projects aimed at the common good; volunteering (especially virtual) promoting kindness and solidarity; communication promoting the Day of Donating/ Day of Donating Kids of the school community; awareness of the importance of donation, among others.

Institutions of Public and Private Education, Elementary School I and II, as well as High School, may participate in the Award, duly registered and qualified by the Education Secretariat of the Federative Unit or by the Ministry of Education – MEC.