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Sherry Soon

Sherry Soon taught children with special needs for the past decade. Being diagnosed with vasculitis, an autoimmune disease, at 19 years old, she advocates for better healthcare policies and a more inclusive society. Sherry founded Be Kind SG to inspire acts of kindness for a happier and kinder society. She is creating micro-employment opportunities for youths with special needs to engage and empower them.

“Generosity means giving your time, skills and financial resources for the greater good of society.”

- Sherry Soon, Singapore

Be Kind SG

Be Kind SG, a volunteer-initiated group, aims to bring awareness on how people can contribute to make Singapore a happier and kinder place.

We inspire acts of kindness through micro-volunteering opportunities and support the special needs community for a more inclusive society. Our core volunteering activities include supporting adult disability homes, NKF, SPS, running #craftforgood & appreciation projects and Play.Able (www.facebook.com/play.ablesg). Our volunteering activities are non-profit, non-religious and non-political in nature.