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US Giving Survey

The annual US Giving Survey measures the giving behaviors, mechanisms, approaches, and sentiments found in a representative American population. Questions explore what, how, how much, and to whom Americans give. The survey also seeks to identify participants’ feelings about generosity, philanthropy, and the non-profit sector as a whole. A side objective of this survey is to track consumer awareness of, and participation in, GivingTuesday.

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Project Outputs

Raw survey responses, summary data tables, summary reports

Data Contained

5,000 survey responses based on a quantitative online survey among n=5,000 Americans, all aged 18 to 85 years old. Responses collected include demographics (age, gender, race, etc.), generosity taxonomy, giving methods/channels, supported causes, and attitudes towards nonprofits.

Update Schedule

Yearly (in January)

Designed For

Fundraising professionals, Academic researchers

Use Case Examples

An academic researcher wants to investigate the giving behaviors of Americans in the past year.

How to Access the Project

To find out more about the project or to get involved, please email sila@givingtuesday.org.